Sunday, 26 February 2012


The interwebs define them as;

  1. An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
  2. An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.

Whether its Nyan cat, Rick Rolling or even adding "all of the " to *insert item/topic* memes are a popular and very handy thing to know how to use.

Idea - First you need an idea whether it be from a obscure game or film or even one you created you need to have something that's catchy, annoying and sure to be used a hell of a lot. Even bad stuff can become memes (see Rebecca Black). 

Catchy - It has to be something simple that everyone can say/do or join in on. It doesn't even need to make much sense. Repetitive things seem to work well or simple tunes. Combine the two for epic memes.

Adaptability - The meme has to be able to be used in a wide range of scenarios. It's all good having a catchy tune but if you can bring it up often it will soon die out. The "All your base are belong to us" meme from bad Zero Wing translation has been used in a lot of things. "all your chips are belong to use" etc. Another notable one is over 9000! (Google these if you have never heard them before).

Finally Life Span - A good meme will last a while or even return after some down time. If you can create a meme that is original, interesting, catchy and can adapt to many scenarios and have the talent to manipulate that you can be very rich. A good example of this is the Numa Numa guy, Gary Brolsma, who although making himself look a bit silly is not quite well off.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Term 1 Results!!!

I got my Term 1 one results today and here they are;

Introduction To Computer Hardware, Operating Systems And Unix Tools - 79 = First

The Mathematics Driving License For Computer Science - 85 = First

Concepts In Programming - 53 = 2:2

Chaos, Communications And Consciousness - 76 = First

Although this is only half the marks of the overall year.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Ad-sense Money Making

Google AdSense... it can be a good idea if you get enough traffic to your site. I currently have two sites running google adsense, first being this one second being

I don't get the most views ever but I get a fair bit. I need to work on a few things though still of which could be handy for you to know. If you haven't got an adsense account it might benifit you just that little bit.

Meta tags - Meta tags help search engines locate you faster and better for the correct content. This has the added benefit of keeping people who come to your site here longer.

Interesting and informative - If your content is not informative, interesting or just not what the user wants then they won't stay. The longer they stay the more likely they are to click on ads.

Consistency -  This is where I fail at most. Keep updating your blog/site regularly. Even if some days it is just crap. It keeps readers coming back to see if anything new has been posted.

There are many more things to help boost traffic but sometimes you have to try new and different things. If you can create a popular meme thats very good. A funny video or some helpful advice, keep thinking of new ideas and DON'T click your own ad's.

disclamer - This is an informative post and I am NOT asking you to click on my ads.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Top of the Pile!

Listening to Shippo go on about how to be top of Google rankings. This is very interesting as I need more traffic to my blogs and youtube channel so people click on my ad's. (Disclamer: I am not asking people to click my Google ad's as that is not allowed by Google's policy). Need to get some Pics up, alt tags and keywords.

Break up content - Example right here, separate out different topics so easier to skim read. Can look through quickly and find what looking for.

Keep it simple stupid - Don't fill your main page with loads of crap that is useless, make it important. Make it load fast, rich keyword text, synonyms.

Counters -  A small widget in the bottom to keep record of how many people visit your site. Very handy to see if your site is popular or not. Helps to see why you get more views one day than another.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Archery fun :)

Today's archery was rather fun. Not only did I get near to the centre of the target I also managed to hit the target in the back of the board. Fingers are a bit sore because I didn't use the finger protector and the cold weather doesn't help. Think I am getting better though at archery.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Bored in A12

Currently in A12 bored as got 3 hours of lectures here.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Lovely lie in

Had a nice lie in after watching the rugby yesterday. England didn't play as well as I was expecting them to. Wales play Italy today, Wales most likely win so going to cheer on the underdog. Come on Italy...

Friday, 3 February 2012

Weekend begins!

Well it is the weekend and I have just walked my gf to train station and won't see her again till Sunday, sad times. However, there is a silver lining, rugby 6 nations is on later :). It's quite early, especially for me so may end up having a nap later.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Awesome Day!

Today was amazing. Had a wander round town today with the awesome girlfriend :). Went in brilliant shop with cheap stuff and amazing gf got me a rechargeable heat pack for my shoulder and an instant boil kettle. She is awesome. Then she brought me breakfast :O. I must be doing something right :). Now I am off to archery so shall speak later.