Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Out shopping for Friday. Got to get clothes from charity shop for it.

Had upper limit breakfast for breakfast and dinner and was lovely.

Shoulder in pain but should be nice to get home and relax.

Might go spend some vouchers at Uni art centre as have 55 pounds worth left from 60 and 10 whsmith voucher. This was all from letting people see living area. Plus should get get some actual Money for showing my room so yay :). 

Monday, 23 April 2012


Well I'm in lecture stressing about project that's in soon and house cost.
Project shouldn't be too much of a problem if I can get a working project and some decent documentation.

I need average of 50% for the year in coding module to carry on so up most nights working on that.

House, oh boy has this been a pain. It has risen in price and estate agents being annoying.

Hopefully shouldn't be a problem to afford. I hope to get a job soon to add some money to my dwindling finances.

You tube videos should start being updated again no PC is a bit more stable. Be sure to keep checking my page out or subscribe to my twitter.



Saturday, 21 April 2012


Back at Uni with awesome gf. Lots to do on project, should be fun, also got to revise yay. On a side note my wisdom tooth is coming through and hurts like buggery. Next few weeks should be chaotic.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Few interesting links

My Youtube Channel:

Page I am Working on: 


 More links to follow. Should be rolling out youtube videos more constantly now.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

New Stuff

First of new videos on youtube channel go check it out.

Now shameless plug is done bit about what I have been up to. Currently still in Uni durnig a bit of the holidays doing some of my individual assignment. I have to create a Point Of Sale system for a pizza shop and revise over a short holiday, not nice at all.

I keep trying to update my blog more and more but been a bit dull recently. Been swimming, done work, made few youtube videos. I need a project for me to work on so over the next week or so I shall hopefully find something to do.

I NEED a job. Money Is being stretched really thin and I want to earn some money. So far I am hoping my Google AdSense goes up to £60 so I can claim it. Just wish I could make a popular video, that would be brilliant.