Tuesday, 27 January 2015

The begginning of the end!

Well I am coming closer and closer to the end of university and as such that means it is dissertation time. I am going to keep a diary of what I have been up to with regards to my dissertation and keep up to date weekly. You can follow along and see what I go through and offer help or even learn some stuff.

First things first what am I doing?

Well it is called scene interpretation, which basically means I will take a video of something such as a street view that is publicly accessible and analyse the environment or people. With the people aspect there is some ethical concerns but thankfully there is already large data set that are available to use here. My first step though with regards to my dissertation project is to decide what aspect I am to focus on, whether people/crowd analysis or environment analysis. This will then be the core focus of my work and will stop me branching out to far and creating to much work for myself.

As well as deciding what to focus on I also am having a look at openCV in Python. I have found this link to a good tutorial, but I dare say I will be using multiple resources for learning as I go. I have used Python before but never for a project so this could be quite interesting. There will also be some background reading done on information about scene analysis to be able to use some examples or learn from.

My first goal is to get a system up and running that can do basic processing of videos and get some kind of recognition going on it. I have a meeting later this week so I can discuss in more detail where to go from there.