Monday, 11 January 2016

Minecraft Story Mode(Lets Play): Episode 4(Part 4) Pickaxe of Destiny

In this episode we get shown(told) the TRUE story of how the order of the stone defeated the ender dragon.

Welcome to Minecraft... with a story. Join us as we play through Minecraft crossed with Telltales story telling to go on a wild adventure of building.... and I am sure other cool stuff will happen to.

As always constructive criticism is welcome.

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Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Terrorist Hunt #1 Supprise!

Me and friend play classic Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Terrorist Hunt on pc while trying to get used to the new controls.

As always constructive criticism is welcome.

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Sunday, 10 January 2016

Let's Play Portal Stories: Mel #21 All the Way

In this episode we go back and forth alot trying to find a solution.

My website - (still a work in progress)

Let's Play Fallout 4: Part #13 Wasteland Gunners

In this episode we come along a traider and some dangerous wasteland gunners.

My website - (still a work in progress)

Minecraft Story Mode(Lets Play): Episode 4(Part 3) Story Time

In this episode we get shown(told) the story of how the order of the stone defeated the ender dragon.

My website - (still a work in progress)

Let's Play Portal Stories: Mel #20 Not Sure Thats How You Do It...

In this episode we come to some desolated test tracks and start thinking how we are going to deal with AEGIS

My website - (still a work in progress)

Let's Play Fallout 4: Part #12 Lining 'em Up!

In this episode we take on some raiders even though they seem to have miniguns!

My website - (still a work in progress)

Minecraft Story Mode(Lets Play): Episode 4(Part 2) A-Maze-ing

In this episode we travel to the far land and have to navigate a not so amazing maze.

My website - (still a work in progress)

Let's Play Portal Stories: Mel #19 Bouncy Bouncy

My website - (still a work in progress)

Minecraft Story Mode(Lets Play): Episode 4(Part 1) Out running the With...

In this episode we recover from a terrible situation, and go on a looooong journey.

My website - (still a work in progress)

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes: Out Takes / Bloppers / Extra Bits

Behind the scenes of keep talking and nobody explodes lets play. We are perfectly normal.

My website - (still a work in progress)