Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Bowling and such

So today has been a busy but fun day. Started off as most work days do, getting up, exercise, breakfast, head to work. At work I had my usual stuff to do but there was a manager leaving so we all gathered to say a good bye, even though she was only leaving to a different department and would be on the floor above. Also talked had a meeting about what is needed to be done for an event that I shall be helping out with.

At the end of the day I got a lift of a friend rather than my flatmate as we were heading bowling later. However they had to nip to the dentist, so I came along and sat in the waiting room. I went the toilet while there, as when you got to go you go, the toilet was tiny. It was smaller than train toilets it was ridiculous. When I got back to the waiting room my friend showed me what they put on Facebook about me, they said "It's like being at the dentist with my dad". Hope that meant I was mature, still seems a bit off then.

After the dentist there was time to spare before bowling(pun intended). So we went for a nice meal at a local pub/eatery place, the food there was very nice. The fly though was not. After the nice meal we headed off to bowling. When we got to bowling we were still a little early so grabbed a drink and started having a little chat. Then it was bowling time. First game didn't do too well and came last as always. Second game I found my swing of things part way through but then lost it.

While waiting for the third game there were a couple of kids who looked like they were going to have a fight but one of their friends came along and calmed them down. In the third match I was doing much better, I got two strikes in a row but unfortunately missed the third. I was especially annoyed at missing the third as on a Tuesday a gentleman comes round to each lane and if that player can get a strike then they get a free game. So came to me and was my turn, bowled, one pin remained standing, I was gutted. I was happy with the third game overall though as finally managed to break 100.

Today has been a rather good day, also got my pink driving license through today. Problem is it features me with hair whereas now I am lacking most of it, ah well.

Oh and my sweepstakes team, Germany are through, just :).

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