Saturday, 28 June 2014

World Cup: Brazil Vs Chile

Well I am writing this before penalty shoot out between the home team Brazil and Chile. I started watching this rooting for the underdogs Chile hoping they would win but with no expectation. When Brazil scored their first goal I thought it was all over. It was a good goal and Neymar has been playing amazingly.

Then Chile scored a goal, a brilliant goal, through defenders legs and just out of reach of the goal keepers hands. Placed nicely into the bottom left. The second half was very tense and thought Brazil were going to score another. Then Chile had a few nice passes and a shot that came off the cross bar. They were unlucky but now it is down to penalties to decide on who is through to quarter finals.

I still want Chile to win :)

Friday, 27 June 2014


Well as it is Friday, I played some football with work colleagues during lunch. Thankfully the weather was nice and a little drizzle cooled us down before the game but that was it. It is five aside and there are people in light coloured t shirts against those in dark coloured t shirts.

I was on the light coloured t shirt side and we started off with a bit of a kick about to warm up. Then we started to play properly, however this surface is not the easiest surface to stop on(or fall over on).

About half way through the game the ball was passed to one of the opponents, it was heading deep in out half. I ran for it, I got there and reached out with my foot just managing to pass it to the goal keeper then continued to slide. Down I went onto my hands and knee.

Now just two weeks ago I had reached a bit to far for a ball and rolled over it, slid rather impressively on my other knee and ankle and rolled and got up. This hurt a fair bit as the surface is covered in sand. This time however was not as bad, but of course there was the other player right behind me coming for the ball. Now as I said stopping isn't easy and at this point I had my foot out stretched, kicking the ball.

Well over he goes, me joining him, we all stop play and make sure we are ok. After a couple minutes we get back in the game then our team precede to win the best of three game at the end. I walk off with a scuffed up knee to match the other side.

I will learn eventually, got IT vs Foundation game soon. Should be good as me and a flat mate are IT's and my other flatmate is a Foundation. He is really good though.

As always thanks for reading.

Weekend is here

Well the week is coming to a close and the weekend is upon us. I hope you all have some fun events/activities planned for the weekend, mine will be a little relaxing and a little work.

I will be queuing up a load of YouTube videos and trying out a few new things with my awesome new microphone. I also have a podcast now so if you prefer to listen rather than read then head over to Podbean (will provide a link at the bottom).

Also I am now a member of Netflix so there goes most of my weekend and my sleep. I was looking through it last night and found out I have watched a lot of stuff. There is also a lot of stuff I still need to watch. If anyone has a recommendation of a film of TV series I will put it on list of things to watch if I haven't seen it before. Might start reviewing some films on here as well.

As always thanks for reading :)


Thursday, 26 June 2014

New Microphone

Woop! Finally got my new microphone through so my videos should start sounding a little more professional, just need to work on my self sounding professional :P.

The microphone I went with was a Samson Go Microphone which is a nice little portable thing and has Omni setting to pick up sounds from all around, bidirectional to pick up sound in front and behind while ignoring sounds to the side.

The one I find myself using most though is Cardioid which picks up sound directly infront of the microphone. This is the best for me as I use it for my lets plays and possibly for some future talky stuff. If you feel like hearing my voice through my new microphone stay tuned to my YouTube page.

Thanks again for reading :)

YouTube page is

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Video Woes

Afternoon, well it is where I am, anyway in m previous post I mentioned I had a YouTube channel that I am trying to post  to more regularly.

Issues, my first problem with uploading videos was that my screens resolution is 1440 x 900, which when kept at that resolution and uploaded to YouTube it cause black borders to appear, this didn't look very professional. Also using my headset mic doesn't seem to make my voice very clear and makes it sound monotone(it's not, honestly). As well as this I also have an issue with my home internets speed being atrocious so takes forever to upload.

I have been getting better and now have my resolution set to 720p so no more horrible black borders. I also have ordered a bettter mic that should 'hopefully' make my voice clearer and much nicer to listen to. Just got to get my gaming skills up so I can be a bit more entertaining. It's all in good fun and is helping my presentation skills so I can't really complain.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Well this is my first post(On my new blog, all the posts before this were imported) so I think I should introduce myself a bit. My name is Chris and I am 24, won't give you too much on me, stops you tracking me down :P

A little bit about myself. I am quite crazy and very talkative, tall at around 6' 2", love to have a laugh and travel. I don't play games that much as I am not brilliant but I have been doing more since restarting my YouTube channel. I love watching TV and Films and could talk about them forever.

I am currently on my industrial year down south which will becoming to an end soon, this makes me sad. I have learnt loads while down here and hopefully can come back as a Graduate. I have met some wonderful people here who I hope to remain friends with for a long while and hopefully see them again at some point in the future.

In a couple months time I shall be heading to my parents hope for a brief stop and relaxation and then it will be back off to university for my final year. I go university in Aberystwyth, which if you are not familiar with, is a lovely coastal town in Wales(Lovely when not being destroyed by waves, no seriously check the past news reports). My time there has been fantastic and amazing, the people I have met there will be friends for life, some of whom I would even go as far as to call my family. When I get back I will be living with two other friends who do computer science, which is what I do by the way. I am not looking forward to the large amount of work that needs to be done but I am looking forward to being home.

Before I go I shall leave you with some handy links :)

YouTube - Ignore the first few videos, the channel is still going under changes and I am getting used to some video editing settings.

Twitter - Feel free to follow or message me on here and I will also try and get back to you if you ask a question. If you have any topics you wish for me to talk about please don't hesitate to ask.