Thursday, 17 November 2011

Juggling, Archery and Fail

On Wednesday I went to JugSoc (juggling social) after missing it for two weeks and it made me sore. I spent most of the time trying to ride a unicycle and failing but I will learn it eventually. After that I went to archery where I had my first match in the archery club competition. I did quite well at the start then ended up doing really bad. I got some ridiculously low scores and also got white washed, I am not happy about that at all. Then quickly nipped back to my floor got my friends and went down into town for archery social. I didn't spend too much money mostly because my friend owed me money. I also got another drink because I went up to a person dressed in wrapping paper and asked if I could unwrap him for Christmas. Another fun night but I really need a job so I can have money!   

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